Water Heater Installations Restore The Heart Of Your Home

Your water heater is like the heart of your home. Your heart pumps blood containing nutrients and oxygen to your vital organs and tissues. Similarly, you rely on your water heater to provide you with hot water when you need it for washing, bathing, cooking, and more.

Most of us do not think about our plumbing units or our cardiovascular health on a day-to-day basis. Life already has so many challenges and distractions that it’s easy for us to neglect the basics of caring for our home and health. There are indeed a few striking parallels in the function and importance of both.

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Atherosclerosis is the thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery. Atherosclerosis risk profile may be due to high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, alcohol, smoking, diabetes, and obesity. A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to the condition over time.

Cardiovascular disease can be prevented under the guidance of a medical professional. However, there are also many ways to reduce your risk without medical intervention. Habitual physical exercise and stress management are essential to lowering blood pressure. Overweight or diabetic individuals should consult with their doctor to understand the best individualized approach for their unique health journey. 

Water Heater Care & Maintenance

Regular checkups at the doctor’s office are “why prevention is the best cure”. Early detection of risks can make a significant difference in managing and improving your overall health.

Similarly, a professional plumbing inspection can prevent serious and unforeseen issues from exacerbating. A leak can lead to water damage and structural deterioration, which are costly to repair.

Flushing your water heater prevents scale buildup. Homes in Chula Vista with hard water are especially prone to scale buildup, due to the higher concentration of minerals, which form deposits along pipes. This causes your water heater to require higher energy—and therefore financial—expenditures in order to meet your water heating needs. This reduces the efficiency of your unit and reduces its overall lifespan.

In parallel, a cardiovascular system that is plagued with artery plaque will result in suboptimal health outcomes and possibly reduce longevity. The impediment of your blood flow poses a serious risk to your well-being and can lead to heart-related health issues.

The cool thing about water heaters is that they are thankfully inanimate objects that can be easily replaced by a California Plumbing professional. High-efficiency water heaters require less energy for the same performance, which helps the environment and your wallet! 

When it comes to replacing your water heating unit, you have the option of choosing between a tank water heater and a tankless water heater. A tank water heater stores hot water in a large tank, whereas a tankless water heater will heat water on demand.

For larger families with water heating needs around the clock, a tank water heater will provide a steady supply of hot water. A tankless water heater generally requires less maintenance and has a longer lifespan; however, this type of unit will cost more upfront.